Thursday, February 18, 2010

18 weeks!

Today was our ultrasound!  We got to see our baby up close!  The gender of our baby is going to be a surprise but it was so cool to see all the little hands and feet.  We actually saw our baby's heart and watched the heartbeat!  We also saw it's adorable little face.  Here are some belly shots and some ultrasound pictures!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

16 1/2 weeks

Hey everyone!  It's been a few weeks since I last updated.  I had another doctor's appointment yesterday.  Nothing new, the doctor wanted to see my progress and see if I had any concerns.  I only asked a few questions and then he measured me and we listened to the heartbeat.  Baby's heartbeat is at 140.  Next week I need to go in a get the baby tested for Downs Syndrome, which is a normal test that everyone who is expecting takes.  In less than two weeks, Charlie and I go in for the ultrasound!  I am so excited to see our baby and I will put up pictures on this blog when I get them, which should be the day after the ultrasound.  Before we left we scheduled our next appointment in March.  At home I've been doing well.  The nausea is pretty much gone, but I am still tired a lot.  Here are some recent pictures: