Wednesday, March 23, 2011


For the past three days, our family took a small vacation to St. Louis.  We did a lot of things including the St Louis Zoo and the Science Center.  Here are some pictures.

Here is Charity at the Arch.

Here is Charity at the Zoo sporting her new hat.

This is Charity at the Science Center.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Yesterday, we converted Charity's play mat into a tunnel.  Charity enjoyed crawling around.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Very Big Girl

Charity is 8 months old today!  The past 8 months have been so awesome.  Watching Charity learn and grow has been amazing. Charity has just started crawling and she is a crawling machine.  Before she started crawling she loved to roll around everywhere.  But, she likes to crawl more than roll.  Charity has been practicing pulling herself up.  She pulls herself up to her knees but just can't balance herself enough to get to her feet.  She did earlier today succeed in pulling herself all the way up, but she hasn't been able to do it since.

Stay tuned for more updates on Charity.  I will update more often and put up more photos.