Friday, May 28, 2010

Update and more photos

Yesterday was our last birthing class.  We really enjoyed going each week and we both feel better prepared as the due date gets closer.  We start breastfeeding classes in June.

Also yesterday, Charlie's co-workers threw us a baby shower.  Here are some pictures from that.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

32 weeks!

Yesterday we hit 32 weeks!  Today I had a doctors appointment.  The appointment went well.  We listened to the heartbeat and the doctor determined the baby to be head down.  So far things are going well.  It's only a matter of weeks before we get to meet our baby.  Here are some belly pictures.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

31 and a half weeks

Birthing classes have been going really well.  On Thursday we took a tour of the maternity ward, also known as The Baby Place.  We spent a lot of time looking at the all the different rooms like the labor and delivery rooms and the c-section room.  It makes me feel more at ease to see everything and not just talk about it.  Other than the tour of the Baby Place, we have had informative discussions, watched videos, got worksheet handouts, and did hands on activities during birthing classes.  Next week is our last week for the class.  In June, will start breastfeeding classes.

Since, the last time I updated I had one doctors appointment and everything is going well.  Everything went as usual.  The next appointment is this Wednesday.

Today my friends from college threw our little family a baby shower.  Here are some pictures.

Tuesday, I will put new belly pictures up and update on anything new. We are so excited that baby Blanchard will be arriving soon.  

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

30 Weeks!

Tomorrow we hit 30 weeks.  Only 10 more weeks to go!  We're in the final stretch.  I am so sorry that it's been so long since we've updated, so to make it up to you guys Charlie and I have a lot to report on.  

A few weeks ago and I had to go into the doctors office and get a glucose test for gestational diabetes.  I had to drink a sugary drink and then get blood drawn.  That test turned out fine.  We had a doctors appointment at 28 weeks and things are progressing very well.  The doctor measured me, listened to the baby's heartbeat and performed a normal check up .  Now, the doctors visits are becoming more frequent the next appointment is this week.

The next day after the doctors appointment and I had go to the hospital to get a Rhogam shot.  It was neat because I got the shot done in the Baby Place at the hospital, so I got to see what the maternity ward looked like and where Baby Blanchard will be born.

Last Thursday Charlie and I started birthing classes at the hospital.  The classes are weekly throughout May.  We both found the first class very helpful and we are looking forward to the rest of the sessions.  

Again, I am sorry for not updating sooner.  Pictures will be up tomorrow.  We are very excited to have only 10 weeks left and we are excited to share all this with you.