Monday, January 18, 2010

14 weeks

Tomorrow I will be at 14 weeks.  This means I am in my second trimester!  I've read that the second trimester, for most women, is the most comfortable of the three.   Charlie and I had another doctor appointment this past Friday.  We didn't see my doctor, but we saw the nurse pracitioner.  All is going well.  I have gained about a pound and a half since we found out.  We heard the baby's heartbeat again (the heart beat was fluctuating  around 150) and the baby's heart beat kept getting louder and softer because the baby was moving around, which was really neat. She said the baby should be the size of a grapefruit.  My next appointment is Febuary 5th and my sonogram is Feb 18th! We are very excited about the sonogram.  Here are some belly shots:

1 comment:

  1. The ultrasound is so neat. Are you all finding out the gender or will it be a surprise? Congrats again!
