Saturday, September 11, 2010

Doctors Appointment

This past Thursday (September 9th) Jamie took Charity to her follow-up appointment with the surgeon.  The surgeon looked at her bottom and saw that it was no longer infected so he removed the PICC line from her arm.  We finished administering medicine through it Monday, so there wasn't much of a need for it anymore.  Charity has another appointment next Thursday just to see if things are still going well.  Charity weighed 9lbs and 5oz.  She is definitely growing!

Charity is now producing stool like a normal baby.  She will be two months on Monday and is developing very well.  She is beginning to actually play with her toys and responding to different sounds.  She can hold onto things, including her rattle (at least for few seconds before she drops it).  She also smiles a lot more often.  Hopefully we are fully done with this and we can enjoy our baby girl!

Thank you all for your continued prayers.