Sunday, August 29, 2010

When Will It End?

Ok, so we hit yet another snag.  We were hoping to be leaving today, but it isn't looking very likely.

Charity had a fever after her surgery.  This is completely normal and part of the healing process, however, it shouldn't last that long or be that high.  She ended up topping out at 102 or so.  This lead to a few more tests...

First of all, she had some blood work drawn.  They wanted to be sure that she did not have an infection and also wanted to see how her blood count was doing.  The tests did not show any abnormalities to suggest a massive infection.  Yay.  However, the tests did show that she did not have a normal blood cell count.  Boo.  She had another test a little later in the morning that showed that her number was improving.  Yay again.  Her count should be a little low after surgery, so the tests seemed to be pretty much right on.

We also had a sonogram on her to check for any internal bleeding.  They did find one spot with some extra fluid.  Boo.  That means that she is going to be monitored carefully to be sure that it is not increasing.  As long as it is not increasing, we are good.  If it is increasing, she will have to have some repair work done to sew up the area that is leaking.

Luckily, her fever is gone (at least for now.)  She is eating, pooping, and peeing, so things are good on that front.  It looks like we are going to be spending at least one more night in the new St. Francis wing.  I have a feeling that since all of these tests were done between 3 am and 6 am this morning that it is going to be a bit of a tedious day for Jamie and me.  Charity, on the other hand, is enjoying her sleep right now.

Who knew that having a kid would teach me so much about the new building at St. Francis?  (By the way, I don't want to be here, but it is very nice and comfortable!)


  1. That sucks, Charlie.

    More prayers!

  2. I agree with what your friend Bonnie just said. That does really suck! Just remember what Mr. Webb tells us, "Embrace the SUCK!" Hang in there! We'll hold the fort down for you at school.

  3. Saying prayers of healing for little Charity! And prayers of peace and rest for you & Jamie!

  4. The Kennedys are praying for all of you! Hope to hear you are home on your next blog!! This has been an emotional rollercoaster....with the peaceful end coming soon when she is home in your arms! Give your girls a big hug for us!!
